2.0.1 Release notes.

Version 2.3.1 is the newest version of DataGraph

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Changes from 2.0 to 2.0.1:

  • Plot fill gained more functionality. There is now a new menu - "Fill style" which affects how the fill is computed, and how smooth curves are computed. "Y" is the old style. "Y ***" assumes that (x,y) is describing y(x), while "X ***" views the data as x(y). If you select "X" the fill is relative to the y axis, or a column that specifies other x values for the same y.

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  • The "X/Y Higher/Lower" option allows you to only fill below or above the axis. Also allows you fill relative to the y axis.
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  • If you select a different column instead of the x/y axis the Higher/Lower options work relative to that column.
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  • Added a "Mask" for the Bars command. This allows you to only draw a sub-set of the bars based on a mask. This is the same type of mask as can be used in fitting, points, etc.
  • The arbitrary fit function has been improved, both the GUI and the underlying numerical method. Non-linear least squares is not unique, and based on the initial condition it might find a local minima that is different from the global minima. This is particularly difficult for sin/cos (which are periodic, and therefore have lots of minima) and for exponents (which grow very rapidly or are almost flat based on the sign). The new method should work more often.
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  • Improved the Bars command. Fixed an issue with error bars, and adjusted label positions when you crop the value range. Now the labels are positioned relative to the visible bar and not the numerical value of the bars.
  • When you use labels in a plot you can use an offset of the form "x,y" or "length". If you only use a single number, the direction is computed based on the shape of the path, but the length is specified. This reduces overlap of labels.
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  • Can now change the display format for a date column. This does not change the accuracy of the value, but allows you to display the values using a format different from the input format. In the graph above for example, the dates are used as labels and only the month and day are displayed. This also works for the expression column, but there it will also change the column into a date column (which will affect the axis tick marks).
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  • Can now drag graphics into the command view or onto the graphic to add them.
  • Can rotate a label inside the "Label" command.
  • More rotation options for a category label.
  • Can now adjust the width of the legend image (the icon in each line).
  • Can position the legend to the right of the graph.
  • Added "Delta X" and "Delta Y" as tokens for the label menu. This is helpful when you are computing distances between two points. This is only available if the end point is a coordinate. This can of course also be used by any of the token fields.
  • Improved SVG export. There were several problems related to SVG export of text.
  • Some random bug fixes and visual tweaks.

Download the latest version of DataGraph for OS X 10.4
Download the latest version of DataGraph for OS X 10.5